Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula Amavidiyo Obufakazi Ngezigameko Zokuhlushwa. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe
Kuboniswa okuthunyelwe okunelebula Amavidiyo Obufakazi Ngezigameko Zokuhlushwa. Bonisa konke okuthunyelwe


91. Ubusha Obungenakho Ukuzisola

UXiaowen    Edolobheni LaseChongqing 
Uthando luwumuzwa omsulwa, omsulwa ongenasici. Sebenzisa inhliziyo yakho, sebenzisa inhliziyo yakho ukuthanda nokuzwa kanye nokukhathalela. Uthando alubeki mibandela noma imigoqo noma ibanga. … Othandweni akukho kusola, akukho buqili, akukho nkohliso. 


New South African Gospel Music 2018 "Ubufakazi Bempilo" Iculo Lokuhlangenwe Nakho KomKristu

New South African Gospel Music 2018 "Ubufakazi Bempilo" Iculo Lokuhlangenwe Nakho KomKristu
Ngelinye ilanga ngingase ngibanjwe futhi ngishushiswe yiCCP,
lokhu kuhlupheka kungenxa yokulunga, engikwaziyo enhliziyweni yami.
Uma ukuphila kwami kucisha njengenhlansi ngokuphazima kweso,
ngisayosho ngokuziqhenya ukuthi ngamukele uKristu wezinsuku zokugcina.
Uma ngingakwazi ukubona isigameko esikhulu sokwanda kwevangeli lombuso,
ngisayonikela izifiso ezinhle kakhulu.
Uma ngingakwazi ukubona usuku lokufezwa kombuso,
kodwa ngikwazi ukuhlaza uSathane namuhla, khona-ke inhliziyo yami iyogcwala injabulo nokuthula.
Amazwi kaNkulunkulu asabalala umhlaba wonke, ukukhanya kubonakele phakathi kwabantu.
Umbuso kaKristu uyaphakama futhi umiswa phakathi kobunzima.
Ubumyama sebuzokwedlula, intathakusa elungile ifikile.
Isikhathi nokoqobo kwethule ubufakazi ngoNkulunkulu.


God Is My Life and My Hope | Christian Movie | "From the Jaws of Death" | Eastern Lightning

God Is My Life and My Hope | Christian Movie | "From the Jaws of Death" | Eastern Lightning
Liu Zhen, 78 years old, is a typical rural housewife. After believing in God, she felt unparalleled joy from reading His words and singing songs of praise to Him every day, and frequently gathering with her brothers and sisters to fellowship on the truth. … However, good things never last. She is arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, putting her in a terrible predicament. The police take her to the police station for interrogation three times, and warn her not to believe in God any longer.


God Is the Strength of My Life | "EBUSIKA OBUBANDA KAKHULU" | Zulu Full english movie

Igama lakhe uXiao Li. Sekuphele ishumi leminyaka ekholelwa kuNkulunkulu. Ebusika bango-2012, waboshwa amaphoyisa eKhomishana YamaShayina esebandleni. Phakathi nophenyo, amaphoyisa ayemyenga, emsabisa, emlimaza futhi emhlukumeza ngoba ezama ukumenza adumaze uNkulunkulu ngokuthi adalule ukuthi bakuphi abaholi bebandla kanye nemali yebandla.


Christian Wang Dongdong's Account of His Experience of the CCP's Cruel Persecution

Wang Dongdong started to believe in the Lord Jesus along with his parents since he was little. In 2001, his whole family accepted Almighty God’s kingdom gospel. In 2011, his elder brother was arrested because of believing in God. Wang Dongdong and his parents were forced to flee their home. In 2012 when he was in exile, he heard the news that his mother pa away due to sickness while hiding from the hunting of the police. Wang was arrested by the Chinese SWAT officers in 2013 because of preaching the gospel, and he was tortured by them for three months and eleven days. After his release, he had no choice but to flee abroad in order to escape from the CCP’s persecution.



Selokhu lathatha izintambo Ezweni laseShayina ngo-1949, iqembu iChinese Communist Party alikaze liyeke ukuhlupha abantu abakholwayo. Libophe futhi labulala amaKristu ngokuzimisela okukhulu, laxosha futhi lahlukumeza amamishinari asebenza eShayina, lashaqa futhi lashisa inqwaba yamakhophi eBhayibheli, lavala futhi lacekela phansi amasonto, futhi ngaphandle kwempumelelo lazama ukuqeda zonke izindlu zokukhonzela.



Selokhu lathatha izintambo Ezweni laseShayina ngo-1949, iqembu iChinese Communist Party alikaze liyeke ukuhlupha abantu abakholwayo. Libophe futhi labulala amaKristu ngokuzimisela okukhulu, laxosha futhi lahlukumeza amamishinari asebenza eShayina, lashaqa futhi lashisa inqwaba yamakhophi eBhayibheli, lavala futhi lacekela phansi amasonto, futhi ngaphandle kwempumelelo lazama ukuqeda zonke izindlu zokukhonzela.


God With Me | Christian Short Film "Escape From the Devil's Den" | Power of Love

God With Me | Christian Short Film "Escape From the Devil's Den" | Power of Love
Her name is Zhang Hui and she is a Christian belonging to the Church of Almighty God. Since she believed in God, she was secretively monitored by the Chinese Communist government and captured by their police. The police forced her to sell out the leaders of the church as well as the church's finances. They attempted to use her family ties as a weapon in attacking her emotionally. They surrounded her and they did not let her sleep for half a month in order to break her resolve. She faced the relentless torment of the Chinese Communist Party's police. She was continuously in a highly stressful, frightening state. In this dangerous environment, she prayed over and over again to God and asked God to protect her so she could stand firm and bear witness. Under the guidance and leadership of Almighty God's word, she saw through the crafty schemes of the police and she withstood their repeated torture. In the end, under the protection of Almighty God, she was miraculously able to escape from the midst of the devil's den! After experiencing the Chinese Communist government's persecution, she saw clearly that they are evil demons and that they hate the truth. Their essence is that of a reactionary evil enemy of God. She saw firsthand God's sovereignty over everything and His wondrous deeds. She felt God's care and love in every possible manner. She resolved to give her entire life to God and to fulfill her duties as one of His creation in order to repay God's grace!



Selokhu lathatha izintambo Ezweni laseShayina ngo-1949, iqembu iChinese Communist Party alikaze liyeke ukuhlupha abantu abakholwayo. Libophe futhi labulala amaKristu ngokuzimisela okukhulu, laxosha futhi lahlukumeza amamishinari asebenza eShayina, lashaqa futhi lashisa inqwaba yamakhophi eBhayibheli, lavala futhi lacekela phansi amasonto, futhi ngaphandle kwempumelelo lazama ukuqeda zonke izindlu zokukhonzela. Le filimu ikhombisa ukushona okungazelele komKristu waseShayina ogama linguSong Xiaolan – ukufa iphoyisa le-CCP lachaza ngakho linikeza izincazelo ezingafani futhi ezishayisanayo. Emva kokuphenya, umndeni wakwaSong wathola ukuthi iphoyisa laliqamba amanga sonke lesi sikhathi. Isihlobo somndeni wakwaSong sathola kumthombo othembekile kwi-Public Security Bureau ukuthi uSong Xiaolan wayelandelwa sasinyenyela iphoyisa le-CCP ngenxa yokukholelwa kwakhe kuNkulunkulu futhi enza nemisebenzi yakhe. Ngenkathi amaphoyisa embopha, bamshaya waze wafa.


Umlando Wokuhlushwa Ngenxa Yenkolo eChina

 Selokhu lathatha izintambo Ezweni laseChina ngo-1949, iqembu iChinese Communist Party alikaze liyeke ukuhlupha abantu abakholwayo. Libophe futhi labulala amaKristu ngokuzimisela okukhulu, laxosha futhi lahlukumeza amamishinari asebenza eChina, lashaqa futhi lashisa inqwaba yamakhophi eBhayibheli, lavala futhi lacekela phansi amasonto, futhi ngaphandle kwempumelelo lazama ukuqeda onke amandla akhonzela ezindlini. Iminyaka edlule nayo ibhekane nokwandakwezinqubo mgomo ezethulwe uhulumeni we-CCP ngenhloso yokwenza ubuKristu bube "Isono". Izinkulungwane zeziphambano zasemabandleni zacekelwa phansi, amasonto amaningi abhidliziwe, futhi kunesibalo esikhulu samaKristu emasontweni asezindlini ababoshiwe futhi bahlushwa. Amabandla amaKristu aseChina abhekana nokuhlushwa ngonya nokuchithwa kwegazi ... 
Le dokhumenthari ikhiqize kabusha ngokwethembeka nangaphandle kokuchema izimo zangempela zokuhlushwa amaKristu aseChina abhekane nakho ezandleni zikahulumeni we-CCP. AmaKristu ahlushwayo efilimini angabantu basemagatsheni nasemahlelweni ahlukene abafune iqiniso, nabazwile iphimbo likaNkulunkulu futhi ngalokho babuyela kuNkulunkulu uSomandla. Bahambe ngendlela yokuphila efanele, kepha ngokuzimisela okukhulu baboshwa uhulumeni we-CCP. Abanye babo baboshwa, abanye bahlushwa nganoma iyiphi indlela, abanye baphila impilo yokubaleka behlukene nabayeni noma abafazi babo nezingane zabo, futhi abanye balinyaziwe noma babulawa ngokuphathwa kabi.


International Society for Human Rights Condemns the CCP's Violations of Human Rights

 Selokhu lathatha izintambo Ezweni laseShayina ngo-1949, iqembu iChinese Communist Party alikaze liyeke ukuhlupha abantu abakholwayo. Libophe futhi labulala amaKristu ngokuzimisela okukhulu, laxosha futhi lahlukumeza amamishinari asebenza eShayina, lashaqa futhi lashisa inqwaba yamakhophi eBhayibheli, lavala futhi lacekela phansi amasonto, futhi ngaphandle kwempumelelo lazama ukuqeda onke amandla akhonzela ezindlini. Le filimu ichaza izehlo zangempela kumaKristu aseShayina, uZhou Haijiang owaboshwa nguhulumeni we-CCP, wahlukunyezwa, futhi wafa ngenxa yokungaphathwa kahle ngenxa yokukholelwa kwakhe kuNkulunkulu nokwenza umsebenzi. Emva kokufa kukaZhou Haijiang, umndeni wakhe walandelwa, wasatshiswa, wathuswa yi-CCP. Abagcinanga nje ngokuthi bangakwazi ukuthola ubulungiswa ngokushonelwa, baphinda badidwa ukuhlukunyezwa yi-CCP.

Isexwayiso sikaNkulunkulu Sifinyelela kuBantu BaseNineve

(Jona 1:1-2) Izwi likaJehova lafika kuJona indodana ka-Amithayi, lathi: Suka uye eNineve, umuzi omkhulu, umemeze phezu kwalo, ngokuba ubu...